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IDEA 3G GPRS pack,Unlimited Pack,Low and High Data Pack




This is Latest idea 3g Gprs Low data usage pack Unlimited pack and high usage plan and you can choose any plan that suit your requirement

Low Data usage packs

MRP (In Rs.)                        Benefit                    Validity (In days)                 Overage

24                                       100 MB                       3                                    3ps/10KB

105                                     300 MB                      30                               3ps/10KB

205                                     600 MB                      30                              3ps/10KB

249                                      1 GB                          30                               2ps/10KB

349                                      1 .5GB                        30                                2ps/10KB

451                                      2 GB                          30                                2ps/10KB

601                                      2 GB                          60                                2ps/10KB

High data usage packs

MRP (In Rs.)                      Benefit              Validity (In days)                       Overage

755                                      4 GB                 30                                       2ps/10KB

1255                                    4 GB                 90                                        2ps/10KB

1499                                   10 GB                30                                         2ps/10KB

Unlimited data usage packs

MRP (In Rs.)                   Free minutes      Validity (In days)      Charges after Free Usage

649                    3 GB Unlimited with FUP*         30                           NA

749                    4 GB Unlimited with FUP*         30                            NA

849                    5 GB Unlimited with FUP*         30                            NA

949                   6 GB Unlimited with FUP*         30                             NA

1501                10 GB Unlimited with FUP*       30                              NA

* Bandwidth limit after FUP limit up to 80Kbps

FRC offer

MRP (In Rs.)            Usage Benefit           Validity (In days)      Charges after Free Usage

99*                              400MB                         30                                5ps/10KB

Offer Applicable for new customers Only.

Other benefits: Call Tariff:1.3paisa/2 Sec for local mobile calls, 1.3p/sec for STD mobile & 1.5 p/sec for all landline calls for 60 days.