Now you can run android apps on windows 7 and windows xp . You can run individual apps and play with latest version of the android operating system on windows. Its good idea to test android software before buy and it's useful if you are going to buy an android device. after the you buy a android device you are not confuse which apps is best and where go to download you can run android apps help of blue stack because the android apps develop for android device . Most of user likes to run android apps on windows platform so I am going to tell you a best way to run android apps into your windows 7 desktop
Blue stack is software that run individual android application in windows operating system. Blue stack is like VMware virtual machine, actually I mean it as you can install many operating systems under VMware workstation and you can uninstall wherever you want you can do with blue stack. You can also minimize blue stack like other windows software so go to its home page to download blue stack by click on download bottom for downloading blue stack downloader and then run blue stack downloader
Click download bottom
After downloading and installing of blue stack you have to run blue stack than you can see the following image
When you install blue stack some of application come it by default for example facebook, twitter, and fruit ninja. Fruit ninja is a game and you must play you gona love it you can also browse internet just download opera mini or uc browser by typing it name in the search field type that you want to run it will download software and install it