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Best Sound Converter for Ubuntu Linux

Audio Converter is probably one of the must have application now a days, because it allows you to convert one audio format into another desirable audio format (songs/music for for your mobile or ipod or Android/iPhone or whatever). There are lot of free softwares available for audio conversion but SoundConverter is the most popular audio converter application for the Gnome based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora etc.
Sound Converter
sound converter is used to convert audio file into many audio format like .ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or WAV format, or MP3 and it simple user interface you can audio files or add your folder and click convert bottom it will convert save all audio files to given folder path you can download it by going ubuntu software center
Ogg Converter
I think ogg converter is the best audio converter for ubuntu because it’s easy to use, drag drop your files it support every format. Ogg converter converts 100 mp3 just in 2 minute
Here I mention some features of ogg converter
It can deal with audio-only files, video-only files, and files with many audio tracks (such as DVD rips with a commentary track).
Supports the Schroedinger encoder for encoding to the Dirac video format (note that this encoder is currently experimental).
Supports encoding to the Matroska container format.
It is very easy to use: drag a file onto the source bar (or use the file chooser) and hit Convert button. Of course, you can also change the video format, quality settings and the output filename if you like.
WinFF provides a frontend to FFmpeg. It works on Windows and Mac as well. It (actually FFmpeg) can be used for batch conversion of audio and video files. Just add the file(s) you wish to convert choose the desired format, apply device presets if you desire. Once you are set, hit the Convert button
Soundkonveter is very powefull and it user interface really good it convert many file just in few second
You can do many mare things with soundkonverter like rip, tag. Soundkonverter available in ubuntu software center
XCFA is oofers an extraction tool for Audio-CD and musical file conversion to flac, wav, mp3, ogg, m4a, mpc, ape, wavpack formats. Decompression of wma and shorten formats to flac, wav, mp3, ogg, m4a, mpc, ape, and wavpack.
Here are some key features of "XCFA":
· Extraction of Audio-CD and musical file conversion to flac, wav, mp3, ogg, m4a, mpc, ape, wavpack formats.
· Decompression of wma and shorten formats to flac, wav, mp3, ogg, m4a, mpc, ape, and wavpack.
· Handling of frequency, track and bits.
· Handling of files shared volume before a recording.
· Web retrieval of Audio-CD informations during treatment.
· Small cover creation for your CDs.